To differentiate these, you need to parse the intent's data in your code to differentiate the links. This is usually done in the onCreate() method by reading in the data and acting accordingly. You can create multiple links to the same activity. Notice that you need to create a separate intent filter for each URI scheme and each activity. In the above example, navigating to either or tutsplus://deeplink takes the user to the LinkActivity activity. The tags specify the properties of the deep link. The tag specifies what URIs are acceptable as deep links to the page. The tag chooses what happens in the app when the link is clicked. To add a deep link to your app, you must add it to your android manifest file as an intent filter. Last but not least, deep links also allow Google to index your app and link to specific sections of your app in searches. The deep link appears as a search result in Google and can take the user to a particular section of your app. Create a charge request on your backend using the source. If no further action is required: Confirm the source is ready to use. An intent allows you to start an activity in another app by describing a simple action youd like to perform (such as view a map or take a picture) in an. Check if further action is required from your customer. When the user clicks the notification of an email she received, it opens a deep link that takes her to the email in the app. Creating a payment using Sources with the Android SDK is a multi-step process: Create a Source object that represents your customer’s payment method. Let's take an email client as an example. Developers may find deep links particularly useful for actions, such as clicking a notification or sending an app link via email.

Android deep links open a specific page within an app and optionally pass data to it.